1. GeoGebra in the teaching and learning of Mathematics in the different modalities and educational levels
    This thematic group will include communications and workshops that present experiences and reflections on the use of GeoGebra in the classroom.
  2. GeoGebra and research.
    Thematic group will be dedicated to studies or research work whether qualitative or quantitative around GeoGebra or its use in mathematical education.
  3. GeoGebra in teacher training in Mathematics.
    This thematic group will include all aspects related to teacher training, both specific to GeoGebra, and its integration into other aspects of teacher training in mathematics.
  4. GeoGebra in STEAM
    Experiences and educational proposals that address the use of GeoGebra as another resource in other areas or in STEM or STEAM projects will be acepted as submisions to this thematic group.
  5. The future of GeoGebra
    All aspects related to the future that users demand for this software will be included in this thematic group, namely, the use of GeoGebra in augmented reality, artificial intelligence, automatic demonstration, etc.
  6. GeoGebra in other fields not necessarily related to teaching.
    Clearly, the use of GeoGebra goes beyond the educational field, so this nucleus will collect all the actions related to the use of GeoGebra in other fields, such as scientific dissemination, mathematical tourism, 3D printing for fields such as medicine, engineering, design, etc.